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January 30, 2019 11:17

How to cut communications costs with IT project management

The flow of communication is essential to good business operations. However, costs can soon add up when waste is unchecked and when organisations are stuck with a system that is no longer fit-for-purpose. Out-of-area calls, unreliable long-distance phone conferencing and even unnecessary face-to-face meetings (when factoring in the associated expense of time and travel) mean that communications budgets can easily spiral out of control.
January 30, 2019 11:08

Could IT project management improve your workplace culture?

In a competitive jobs’ market, staff increasingly expect more from their employers. Greater flexibility, improved work-life balance and teamwork are all cited as important factors in creating a healthy working environment. Conversely, poor communication and lack of collaboration are the hallmarks of a toxic organisation. So, how exactly can an IT project management service improve and enhance the experience of employees?
January 8, 2019 10:26

What to look for when outsourcing IT project management

Cutting costs has been one important reason why businesses have historically chosen to outsource IT projects and IT project management. Using an outside team rather than recruit to an in-house position has been used as a money-saving measure – however, while it is true that outsourcing is good for the bottom line, it also offers many other benefits.
December 17, 2018 10:19

5 things you need to know about Windows Server 2008 end of support

Make a note in your diary because it’s one every business needs to be aware of. As of January 14, 2020, Microsoft will withdraw support for Windows Server 2008 and 2008 R2. Although the deadline may seem to be a long way in the distance, the reality is that a complete overhaul of an IT infrastructure takes a considerable amount of time and planning.
December 10, 2018 10:29

How to achieve business goals with an outsourced IT company

Organisations who have chosen to embrace this new technology find that operations can be shared across different locations and devices including mobiles, laptops and desktop computers. It’s a brave new world, but what if your company does not have the IT resources or budget to handle the complexities of this new mode of working?
December 3, 2018 10:47

What features your motor trade business should expect from high-quality IT support?

It’s no surprise that more organisations than ever before are deciding to outsource all or part of their IT provision, alongside embracing technological innovation. Bringing in external expertise, reducing cost and harnessing the opportunities presented by advancements in tech are some of the reasons why organisations are using a managed service provider to complement often resource-poor, time-stretched internal IT departments.